AI is The Way! No, Agile is The Way! But what about Digital - that must be The Way! Beware the silver bullet - it’s may not be The Way for you.

If you’ve tried to lose weight using any number of dieting methods, you’ve already learned this lesson in your personal life: there are no shortcuts; what worked for someone else won’t necessarily work for you; only you know your body/behaviors/etc; the road is long, but the benefits are definitely there IF you’re committed to the change and ready to invest. Still, it’s a wonder that there are so many diet methods, books, classes, recipes, etc.

With the recent excitement surrounding AI and the rush to embrace it, it’s worth slowing down and spending time to understand the advances, what problems might exist within your company that you’re uniquely positioned to understand, consider what it really takes to get the benefits (simple answer: you have to do the hard work of doing it right and doing it fully) and then determine if you/your company are ready to commit to “AI is The Way”